Precinct 2 Election Results

The candidates below are presented in the order in which they will appeared on the ballott. Those candidates who have returned biographies are noted as '*Bio'. Thank you to all candidates who ran.

Votes Term
George F. McDermott 266 3 years
Tracy I. Flagg 255 3 years
Michael R. Landers 251 3 years
Ellsworth A. Lord, Jr. 242 3 years
Robert G. Osgood 230 3 years
John P. Paskowski *Bio 226 2 years
Gay Melanson-Dougerty 205 2 years
Vernon C. Russell, Jr. 205 2 years
Claire T. Conway 200 2 years
Edward Patrick Foley, Jr 196 2 years
Kathleen M. Grace 193 1 years
Elizabeth S. Almeida 191 1 years
Mark C. Hannon 184 1 years
Kristine Swanson Taylor 166 1 years
Barbara "B.J." Cloutman 155 1 years
Philip J. Celeste 150

Please note: Reunite Danvers does not endorse any candidate, nor does the group take positions on town-related projects and warrant articles. Further, posting information on our web pages in no manner infers the author is a member of Reunite Danvers. We are providing a forum for information exchange. Reunite Danvers is open to anyone who wishes to join our group or attend our meetings. The information posted in the candidate biographies and on our comment pages reflect those of the author only. Reunite Danvers has a spokesperson, and only he can speak to the official positions of the group.
